“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Col. 3:16-17)
Music is a great and glorious gift of God. At St. Michael's Lutheran Church and School, music serves to "proclaim the wonders God has done" (LSB 556) and to give voice to our response in prayer and praise. Whether it is the sound of a children's choir, a full wind ensemble, or an entire congregation, all music at St. Michael's serves to glorify God and edify those gathered around His Word.
The music of the Lutheran church has a long and proud heritage. Here at St. Michael's we take great pride in continuing this heritage. We sing hymns from throughout the ages, and we teach them to the children in our school To quote the Lutheran liturgy, we join with "angels and archangels and all the host of heaven" in singing our praises to our Savior.
Read up on the many ensembles which serve to build up the house of God here at St. Michael's. Come and join our congregation in singing to the God who loved us so that He gave us His only Son. Above all, get involved in the worship of the congregation!
Praise the Lord!
Praise God in His sanctuary;
Praise Him in His mighty heavens!
Praise Him for His mighty deeds;
Praise Him according to His excellent greatness!
Praise Him with trumpet sound;
Praise Him with lute and harp!
Praise Him with sounding cymbals;
Praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!
Psalm 150
Soli Deo Gloria!
To God alone be the Glory!
Our Adult Choir is open to all confirmed members of the congregation, and has a wide variety of ages represented. Under the direction of Dr. Eifert, the choir sings for Sunday worship services on a regular basis as well as other services during Advent, Lent, Holy Week, and other festivals. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings. Our repertoire, like our hymns, comes from across the ages of the Christian church and can range from unison to SATB settings. Come join us!
St. Michael's is blessed to have a wonderful handbell choir. We play a five-octave set of bells, which means that there are bells enough for everybody. The handbells appear in worship regularly; yes, you can be in both handbells and the Adult Choir!
Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings. This group is also directed by Dr. Eifert. Interested but inexperienced? Come anyway, and we will happily show you how this is done.
This group aids in worship, currently on a once a month basis. They lead our "contemporary" late service held on the last Sunday of every month except July and August. It is open to anyone who wishes to use their gifts in music for the glory of God and under the direction of Mr. Charles Chaveriat. Generally speaking the group is made up of vocals, keyboards, guitars, and light drums. Additional instruments have been used and are welcome to join. This group practices on Thursday evenings which start at 8:00pm and generally last an hour or a little more if time is needed. If this is an area in which you feel you have an interest
please come check us out.
The Festival Winds is an instrumental group that appears in worship throughout the year. Made up of wind and percussion instruments, it includes musicians of all ages and experience levels. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings. Repertoire includes hymn settings, brass and woodwind arrangements, and full ensemble works.
We always welcome more musicians to come play with us! You can join us at anytime! Contact Dr. Eifert for more information.
Nurturing students through quality music education and performance
while, setting, meeting, and achieving high standards of excellence to glorify God!
Music is important for all ages and can be affective in teaching many things. Therefore, learning music should be done in a fun way which both meets and exceeds the national and state standards where possible. Music should also serve to nurture the faith in each student and grow spiritually. It should involve teaching through experimental music, individual creativity, and through physical movement. Bennett Reimer said in his philosophy of music education, “Developing this mode of mentality… is essential if education is to help children become what their human condition enables them to become”. The better students can reflect the characteristics and moods of a piece, the better they will be able to play and/or sing it. Especially at the younger ages, children have so much energy, why not use that to enhance, strengthen, and improve their musical skills and experience. However, in saying this, the most important reason is to glorify our Father in heaven. In fact, this should be the true reason for why we do what we do. The praise we receive should flow through us and up to God for He alone is the person worthy of praise. Martin Luther said, “Music is God’s Greatest Gift”. How true it is for us to be able to learn, practice, and perform all for the glory of God.
The music program will allow the students the opportunity to learn Christ-centered songs and be exposed to other music, which is foundational in learning and mastering key aspects of both vocal and instrumental music. Through this music, students will learn about Biblical history, their growing relationship with God, and their relationship with others. Students should experience a broad range of musical styles, cultures, and methods. In addition students learn and master according to maturity an understanding of basic music theory, aural skills, history, and composition skills. The goal for classroom management is to reflect the way God would like for us to help one another. An encouraging and uplifting atmosphere should be the result.
We believe that every student should have an opportunity to create and respond to music. Music study involves and develops perceptual, creative, cognitive, affective, and psychomotor learning. Studies show music training in young children helps to trigger higher brain functions. The study of music has a positive effect on the students’ self-development, task completion ability, group dynamics, and improves their learning abilities in the areas of language arts, mathematics, and reading. Research has shown that students who took more than four years of music instruction scored higher on the verbal and math standardized achievements tests. Therefore, we believe music plays an important role in the educational program of St. Michael’s Lutheran School. Students will receive weekly general music education classes. In addition, throughout the middle school grades, 5th-8th, students are required to participate in both choir and band as a way to fulfill both their fine arts requirements as well as meet the educational and developmental goals for each student at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church, School, and Childcare.
In His Service,
Dr. Jon Eifert
Director of Music
Soli Deo Gloria!
Students at St. Michael's receive exposure to instrumental music in general music classes throughout the lower grades, including a unit on recorder playing in fourth grade. All fifth graders take beginning band, and then have the option of participating in the 6-8 advanced band. Through individual, small-group, and full ensemble rehearsal settings, each child is encouraged to discover and use his God-given gifts to the fullest of his ability.
The fifth grade band rehearses weekly as an academic class during the school day. It is during this year that students are instructed in the basics of tone production and ensemble participation, and develop practice habits that will serve them well in the future.
St. Michael's recognizes that there are possible financial concerns for fifth grade parents. We do work in cooperation with Herter's Music Center in Bay City to assist with instrumental rentals, supplies, and repairs. St. Michael's also has a limited number of instruments available for rent. Contact Dr. Jon Eifert, Director of Music, for more information about this.
Following their first year, students in grades 6-8 may elect to continue in band are are combined into one large concert band. These students continue to practice and expand their knowledge of musical fundamentals, both technically and musically. The ensemble rehearses before school several times per week. Students are given the opportunity for individual, small group, and large ensemble experiences throughout the year. The band has consistently received high marks in the Lutheran Schools Music Festival held each spring. The band is under the direction of Dr. Jon Eifert.
St. Michael's offers a Hand Chime Ensemble as an extra-curricular group in grades 5-8. This ensemble rings in worship services as well as other events. The group is made up of both beginning and experienced ringers who volunteer their time into making great music. The Hand Chime
Ensemble also participates in the Lutheran School Music Festival and has received consistently high marks over the years. This ensemble is directed by Dr. Jon Eifert.
Choir is offered to all grades at St. Michael's Lutheran School. Through weekly rehearsals, students are given the opportunity to use their God-given voices to sing His praise and proclaim His word in song. Music itself, and especially the sung Word, has been a vital part of Christian worship throughout the centuries, and we are proud of this great heritage that we will now pass along to the next generation.
All of the school choirs sing in worship services on a regular basis. Other highlights of the year include the school Christmas service, the spring concert, and, for upper grades, participation in the Bay Area Music Festival.
The school choral program begins with our Kindergarten and first grade choir. All students in these grades participate in choir, which rehearses weekly during the school day and sings for worship on a regular basis. Much of the repertoire for this group comes from the Lutheran Service Book and other children's hymnals. This choir is under the direction of Mrs. Heather Bierlein.
Students in grades 2-4 form the Cherub Choir. In this ensemble singers are introduced to simple two-part singing, while the concepts learned in K-1 Choristers are expanded and further developed. All students in grades 2-4 participate in this choir, which is under the direction of Mr. Tim Eyster.
The 5-8 Select Choir is an elective ensemble for students in grades 5-8. This group sings a wide variety of music from across the ages. They participate in worship regularly and have consistently received high ratings at the Bay Area Music Festival. This ensemble is open to all students in grades 5-8; a brief audition is held for placement purposes.
This annual concert each year involves all of the music groups here at St. Michael's. During the course of the performance, about 200 musicians take part in the concert from narration and singing to set-up and reception roles. The event focuses on the Christmas message and story through word and song. During the performance, the congregation and visitors are invited to share in some of the well-known Christmas season songs and hymns as we prepare for the coming of the newborn King!
All are invited to come and participate as the students of St. Michael's present their annual Christmas service. This year's theme will focus on "The Heavenly Stranger", who came to Bethlehem with a special purpose. While He was not always recognized during His earthly life, we now celebrate His coming and His ultimate victory for us.
Join us to sing some great hymns and hear the wonderful message as presented by the students in story and song!
Throughout the year, St. Michael's Lutheran Church and School provide and participate in several special music programs. Whether it involves all of the music ensembles or just some, St. Michael's is committed to performing with excellence to the glory of God. Perhaps it goes without saying that music may serve as an "instrument" of God's love. In that same step we, as Christians and members of St. Michael's, use music, whether in worship or performance, as a vehicle to spread the gospel both in our community and abroad. We realize that the blessings God has given us in this area are not because of anything we've done but because of what He has done. Therefore, we use our gifts and talents in praise back to God - maintaining a right relationship with our Heavenly Father; a relationship of first mercy then grace! We invite you to come visit us throughout the year whether it's a special event or not! You are always welcome!
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