"Leading Others to Christ"
A.N.G.E.L., (one of the 5 Purposes of a Christian and a Church)
Advertise: Place church information/events in various newspapers. • Baby Ministry: Reach out and show support to families welcoming a new child into their family. • Chicken Barbeque (Mother's Day): In charge of overseeing all arrangements. • Church Float: Maintain the church float: update when needed, arrange to be in various parades, including staffing and driver, storage, etc. • Designate dollars allocated for mission work under Endowment Fund (amount varies per year) and decide how to allocate. • Evangelism: Promote St. Michael’s church, school, and childcare facilities in the community whenever and wherever possible. • Franklin Avenue Mission: Help with various areas such as meal preparation and serving; provide with donations of food and supplies, including personal care/clothing/furniture/appliances and household goods; help with activities, such as rolling silverware, as needed. Monitor $5,000 annual amount committed by St. Michael's for support. • Giving Tree at Christmas (contains tags for various amounts which can be removed and filled by congregation). • Help congregational members write Thrivent cards, through Thrivent, for many worthwhile projects: e.g., book bags for back-to-school; school and classroom supplies; food/supplies for needy families/organizations/food banks. • Home Visits: Monitor recent move-in’s to the community (one person should not go alone on home visits for safety reasons). • Hot Lunch Angel Program at St. Michael's School: Encourage people to participate as anonymous donors to pay it forward to purchase hot lunches for children who need help with funding. • Participate in Lenten Dinners: Obtain food and provide refreshments and desserts; help serve; cleanup. • Living Nativity, held at Immanual Lutheran-Frankentrost in December: Promote the Passion Drama through handouts, videotapes of past performances, etc. • Missionaries/Mission Organizations within LCMS: Sponsor/pray for individuals/families/groups (e.g., POBLO, Lutheran Bible Translators, etc.), including monetary donations at times, encouraging them to share stories/pictures of mission trips and speak to our congregation when in the area. Currently sponsoring a child from Hearts and Hands of Uganda. • Passion Drama: Overall support for the Passion Drama. Some years, an invitation to visit St. Michael’s was mailed to those located within a reasonable distance; this was discontinued due to lack of response. • Miscellaneous Projects sponsored in the past: o Blessings Bags (filled with school supplies, personal care items, etc.). o Small kits (filled with personal care items, food, socks/gloves, etc. to be handed out to homeless). o Buckets filled with cleaning supplies and bags with personal care items, etc. • Obtain grants from Endowment Fund for mission-type causes (e.g., food for Eastern District Food Bank; donation to a missionary, etc.). • Youth Group: Help with funding projects and overall support. Have also participated with them in filling blessings bags at one of their meetings.
Chair: Pam Mossner
Secretary: Cindy Howell
Treasurer: Connie Mossner
Elaine Keinath, Don Bierlein,
Judy Janson, Marilyn Knoll,
Dorothy Schlicht, McCauley Cameron,
Pastor Gillaspie, Madison Sahr,
Karli Bierlein, Julie Rupprecht,
Dianne Stresman, Ann Zwerk,
Board of Outreach Duties per By-Laws: The work of this board is to develop and implement programs to help members find appropriate and meaningful ways to share their faith with others and lead others to Jesus. This board is responsible to see that some of our members receive greater training in evangelism. They are to see that visitors to our church, new members in our community, and other unchurched people are called or visited in a timely manner. This board will help promote this congregation and its Gospel message to the community through special events such as the parade floats, fair booths, tract racks, etc. The Board shall support and assist the Passion Drama Committee. The Board is responsible to evaluate and promote special mission trips or projects to the congregation. They are to coordinate activities and efforts with the circuit, district and synodical evangelism directors. This board is to work to integrate new members into the life of the congregation for approximately a year, help them feel welcome, and involve them in the activities and ministries of this congregation. They will sponsor the "New Member Welcome" each year.
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